Leaves of Learning

Race: Human
Age: unknown, 31-36
Titles: Slayer of the 101 headed sea hydra, vanquisher of the 13 pirate kings, rescuer of thousand and one virgins, desecrator of thousand and one virgins

About: Known from Sword Coast to Sea of Fallen Stars as a bloodthirsty Pirate! Slayer of the 101 headed sea hydra, vanquisher of the 13 pirate kings, rescuer of thousand and one virgins - though its said that no one could stand a meeting with him and as such: - desecrator of thousand and one virgins. There are many more names that he is known as , enough to make anyone be struck with fear when recognizing him.

Recent activities:

  • He has been stuck for several months on a Prisoner Island after a accident on the sea. He escaped with the help of Highmoon seamestress Elle
  • He fooled a group of adventurers from Highmoon and used them to recover a gigantic, ancient Spelljammer ship. Its suspected that he used it to breach the wards over Hunters Rest, nearly killing the Baelnorns guarding it, and invided the elven tomb to recovered a unknown artifact.

Drawing of the Captains Flying Fortress:


--Methael 11:04, 23 February 2008 (UTC)
